Man Faces Charges for Falsifying Vehicle Registration

From KGRV, “The Hidalgo County Tax Office is now taking a stronger stance against vehicle registration fraud.

Villarreal’s office arrested Ramiro Maldonado on Thursday.  On Friday, he was charged with forgery, falsifying names and information on a vehicle registration.

He said what Maldonado did can hurt the county. He explained Maldonado changed the vehicle’s purchase amount.

Villarreal said that can lead to the county missing out on funds needed to repair roads, bridges and schools.

He told CHANNEL 5 NEWS falsified information can hurt the buyer as well.

“There has been cases where somebody falsified a title and it looks like nothing is wrong with it but at the same time we had found that the vehicle was stolen,” Villarreal said.

Villarreal explained in those cases, his offices are forced to confiscate the vehicle. The buyer is then left with no car and no money.”

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